TeO2is an excellent acousto-optic media because of its high AO figure of merit, larger birefringence, optical rotation and slow propagation velocity along [110] direction. The solution of AO devices made of TeO2crystal, like AO Rotators, Modulators, Q-Switch, Resonators, Tuning Filters …, features much powerful performance than other AO medias.
Transparency Range: 350~5000nm
Crystal Structure: Tetragonal
Mohs hardness: 4.5
Melting Point: 730℃
Density: 5.99 gram/cm3
Refractive Index: no=2.260 ne=2.142
Phase Velocity (m/s): 616
Photo-Elastic Coefficient: P11=0.074 P13=0.340 P31=0.091 P33=0.240
AO Figure of merit: 1200 x 10–18S3/g <110>
Features and Standard specifications from LNG Optics:
Orientation accuracy: ± 12 arc minutes
Dimension tolerance: ± 0.2mm
Surface Quality: 10/5 S/D
Flatness: λ/8 @ 632.8nm
Parallelism: 30 arc seconds
Wedged angles accuracy: 3 arc minutes
Perpendicularity: 5 arc minutes
AR Coatings: single band, broadband